Monday 13 April 2020

getting my infected tooth out

When I got my tooth out I did not know it was out it only hurt like a pinch in your mouth but ITS A GIANT HOLE! I took my antibiotics to help it go down
I was surprised how weird it looked it had roots clinging on to gum I think. After getting it out we got chocolate.  I got it out in a dental van next to the Greymouth hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Louis you are so brave getting your tooth out. I remember getting my wisdom teeth out when I was younger I remember having to gargle salt water to help keep the hole clean. Did you have to swish salt water around your mouth?
    Is it easier to eat now that your tooth does not hurt? Do you know how your tooth got infected?
    The roots on your tooth are like the roots of a tree. They grip into your gum to hold your tooth in place. They are the blood supply to the nerves in the centre of the tooth. Didi the tooth fairy come and pay you for your tooth.

    Mrs H


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