Friday, 30 October 2020


 Today my class made paper helicopters and then we had fun racing each other. My paper helicopter was not the best! But lots of people got a good helicopter like Taylor. I like them because they spin a lot till they hit the ground. We did this because it was a reading task and it was related to the story we read where his cat dies and then they stuff it into a remote-controlled helicopter.  

I hope you have a good time making it                   

How to make

What You'll Need:

  • Strips of heavy paper or cardboard (1X10 inches)
  • Small paper clips
  • Markers or crayons

How to Make Papercopter:

Step 1: Fold a 1X10-inch strip of paper in half. Fold the ends down about two inches, but don't fold them straight down. Instead, fold them at a slight angle.

Place a paper clip on the bottom of your folded papercopter.
Place a paper clip on the bottom of your folded paper-copter.

Step 2: Push a paper clip onto the bottom, and fold the wings out. Decorate your paper-copter  with markers or crayons. Holding your paper copter by the paper clip, throw it into the air and watch it spin like a helicopter! 

Keep reading to learn how to make a twirling helicopter.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Mr. Kinane

 For Monday Tuesday and Wednesday we got Mr. Kinane we used a website called  It is cool you can use a real microbit or a micro bit on the website. One day when we had him I went 105 steps away from the other micro bits and they still messaged each other! I enjoyed it because we could code words on the website put an extension cord into my computer the micro bit gets an extension cord as well then it reads the code then sends it to another micro can go on to make your one code and use the virtual.              Link