Monday, 5 August 2019

Melted Wax Art

One day we all drew clowns from melting wax  crayons. To do this we used an electric frypan and it was super hot.  We also used some crayons, a muffin tin, which we put the crayons in to melt and  paint brushes. We practiced drawing tle clown. First we used sketch paper then we drew it onto a big piece of paper.  The clown took a very long time but it dried very  quickly each colouler had its own  paint brush. The  colours I used were blue, red, purple, dark blue and white. We had to do long strokes with the brushes. The shapes I used were squares and circles we used the border to see where the shapes would be. i  felt very proud of my clown.


  1. Realy cool clown he look so funny why did you choose those colours from Haki.

    1. Hi Haki its Louis. I chose those colours because they look cool and they are nice.

  2. Hi Louis I love you'r pichter I love the red backrand. I love the blue border to. Were did you get the dark red?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi its Louis. I chose red for my border because its my third favourite colour.

  3. Hi Louis! That's a nice looking clown! How long did it take you to make it? Why did you want to make your art into a clown? How did you make the picture? I know those are quite a few questions but I just want to know more! Bye!


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